Re: [SLUG] Browsing Windows from Linux - more

From: Paul M Foster (
Date: Wed Jul 31 2002 - 19:16:51 EDT

On Wed, Jul 31, 2002 at 08:52:29AM -0400, Clay, John wrote:

> My win box can browse my samba box but I have no idea of how do make samba
> browse win. Can anyone send me a copy of an smb.conf file that will enable a
> samba box to browse a windows network?

Not really a question of your smb.conf file, since that just configures
_your_ Linux box as a Samba server.

You have to first tell your Windows machine to share stuff. Don't ask me
how. It involves right clicking on the My Computer icon, going into
properties for the network stuff, and telling it to share, and what to

After that's done, the Windows box will be advertising its "shares" to
the rest of the network. Then, you can go through the tests in Samba's
DIAGNOSIS.TXT file to check that all is well. Use smbmount or some
program like that to mount shares.

Sorry, I wish I could be more specific on this, but once I set this up
on a network (rarely), I don't revisit it. So it's been a long time....


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