Re: [SLUG] Themes and RH8

From: Jason Pratt (
Date: Sun Oct 06 2002 - 12:45:20 EDT

On Sun, 2002-10-06 at 12:10, sanity wrote:
> Are you aware that the sawfish themes and the gnome themes are two different
> things? Gnome has themes for both. Sawfish is the window manager, it has its
> own theme engine. But GNOME's desktop environment (such as buttons, scroll
> bars, etc.) has its own separate them engine. Make sure you are putting the
> themes in the correct folder or whatever for the GNOME themes, not the sawfish
> window manager. If you are using a different window manager than sawfish, this
> still applies.

Umm.. Red Hats GNOME 2 doesn't use Sawfish by default it uses MetaCity
(which I believe was created for RH's newest distro) for it's window
borders and GTK 2 for it's themes. I'm having a problem getting the
MetaCity window borders to work.


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