Hmm, a search of freshmeat and sf reveals a couple things: GNU PSPP ( ), which is apparently still alpha software, but interprets SPSS language; SalStat ( ), beta (wahoo!), is intended as a replacement for SPSS or similar packages; xldlas ( ); R ( ). All of the above are GPL.
As far as CATI, I don't know of anything - like you said, it's very specialized. For apps like this, one of the best things that can happen for the OSS community is that the developer of a proprietary package will be persuaded to release the source (usually to an older version).
On Mon, 21 Oct 2002 19:45:18 -0400
Paul Swider <> wrote:
> I was talking the other day with someone who runs a market research
> firm that does much primary data collection over the telephone. He told
> me about the software he uses and how much he pays. I asked if he knew
> of any open-source solutions and he said he wasn't aware if there were
> any sufficiently specialized. Are there any stats packages that are
> geared toward the number crunching market researchers do? This man uses
> SPSS but other examples are SAS, StatPro, MiniTab and so on.
> Yet more specialized is the software used to generate phone numbers for
> random phone samples (no, this has nothing to do with telemarketing),
> something called CATI, standing for Computer Assisted Telephone Interview.
> Any suggestions as to where there might be open-source solutions for
> these would be welcome. Feel free to contact me on-list or off.
> --
> Paul Swider
> Cell 727.776.9979
> eFax 208.248.1869
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