Re: [SLUG] backends for Pine

From: Matthew Moen (
Date: Thu Oct 24 2002 - 10:32:46 EDT

Thus spake Ronan Heffernan on the 24 day of the 10 month in the year 2002:

> Sendmail also has a reputation for bad security. This is partly
> justified, in that many security holes have been found in sendmail (and
> quickly patched). And the complexity of configuration can mean that
> admins configure their sendmail incorrectly, resulting in weak security.
> Many professional (highly skilled) sysadmins will tell you that it is
> possible to run sendmail securely, but it looks like the price of
> security is eternal vigilance. If you are not going to invest a lot of
> time configuring and maintaining your mail server, look at qmail.

Or Postfix, if you'd rather not deal with DJB's (the author of qmail)
commissar personality, while still gaining the benefits of a qmail-type
security model. Postfix is arguably easier to configure than qmail as
well. (considerably less wheel-reinventing in it's design)

If your configuration is reasonably standard, you should only need to
configure a handful of the parameters on this page:

The rest of the Postfix documentation can be found here:


Matthew Moen

Outlook is as attractive to email viruses as a heap of dead and rotting cows is to a fly. So long as that maggot-filled pile of corpses is there, swatting at the flies isn't going to work. Alan Bellingham, SDM

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