> I have a test server loaded with Debian 3.0, Apache 1.3.26 and I am
> giving phpgroupware a whirl. I am using MySQL 3.23.49-8 as the database
> for phpgroupware 0.9.14-0.RC and using php4. The httpd works perfectly
> when I use an html page. (browseable from my Linux workstation using
> Opera/Mozilla and from various other windoze workstations in the
> office.) After configuring phpgroupware and browsing to "setup," I
> logged in and set up the header information.
> Next, I tried to login to perform regular setup and the page returns
> "Invalid Password" My /var/log/apache/error.log yields:
> [notice] child pid xxxx exit signal Segmentation fault.
> I know the password is correct. Browsing from the windoze boxen in the
> office yields the same error.log message.
I had a similar problem with PostNuke. It turned out that PHP4 does not
"register_globals" by default (PHP3 did). So if a PHP page tries to
read a form variable like $action, it is undefined. The proper PHP4 way
is to access that form field value via $_POST['action'] (or: global
$HTTP_POST_VARS; echo $HTTP_POST_VARS['action'];)
Rather than changing all of your old PHP3 and PHP3-ish scripts
(including your entire phpgroupware application), you can edit the
php.ini file (make sure you edit the one that is actually being used) to
turn-on the "register_globals" directive.
To test and see whether this directive is turned-on, run phpnifo().
Scroll down through the table of settings and you will find
register_globals; it will be marked On or Off or master and local. The
following file is a test file that will run phpinfo() for you (name it
something like "info.php"):
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