Re: [SLUG] CPU Socket

From: Jim Lange (
Date: Fri Nov 01 2002 - 22:28:58 EST

On Fri, 2002-11-01 at 19:15, Levi Bard wrote:
> > As HS/fans get bigger and heavier, there is greater risk of cracking
> > the circuit board attatched to the HS/fan/socket. Proper attatchment
> > isn't the problem. But it's ya'll's computers, not mine ^_^
> Actually, it's probably more likely that you'll damage the cpu by removing/reattaching

the hs/fan all the time than that you'll damage the board by moving the machine.

  I've seen lots of Athlons & Durons ruined by a slip while installing the heatsink.
> Levi

The manual for my Abit AT7 says to only attach or remove the
fan/heatsink with the motherboard removed from the case and laying on a
flat surface. With it on standoffs, it puts to much stress on the

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