RE: [SLUG] Local computer stores list

From: Mario Lombardo (
Date: Thu Dec 05 2002 - 01:34:06 EST

  Not at all, perfect! anandtech had both tcwo(great score) and ems
computing(poor score)


>Hash: SHA1
>Well I don't want to rain on anyone's parade but I use 2 sites that do that.
>They aren't local of course but aimed for any place doing business on the net.
>I think anandtech's way is easier.
>- -----Original Message-----
>From: [] On Behalf Of
>Mario Lombardo
>Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 11:58 AM
>Subject: Re: [SLUG] Local computer stores list
>I'm up for that. I think peer reviews are the best. If you're a web
>DB guy, you have my applause.
>>maybe i'm coming in on this a bit late - but it sounds like a good idea
>>for a project - i nifty database powered website with friendly pc shops
>>searchable by zip code / area code or something - and some customer
>>commentary to weed out the bad ones and support the good. hrmmmmmm
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Mark Polhamus" <>
>>To: <>
>>Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 12:52 AM
>>Subject: Re: [SLUG] Local computer stores list
>>> There's IntoLan Computers in Clearwater. I've had limited dealings
>>> with
>>> so far but I know another satisfied customer. He had a computer
>>> custom assembled and had no trouble having them use parts he bought
>>> elsewhere.
>>> They seem to be Linux-friendly.
>>> -- Mark Polhamus
>>> Mario Lombardo wrote:
>>> > Since it is the holiday season, and I'll be buying gifts entirely
>>> for > myself, I thought it would be nice to forward some of the
>>> local shops to > the list for those of you that will be buying gifts
>>> for other people > like me (ahem, just kidding). >
>>> > (near TPA airport)
>>> > (Bradenton)
>>> > (I bought from these folks before,
>>> > (cheap, used, unwanted parts. Be careful
>>> but > worth a visit, Tampa) >
>>> > Any others, perhaps we can make a small thread. Happy Holidays!
>>> >
>>> > /mario
>>> >
>Version: PGP 8.0

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