Re: [SLUG] ssh and group access

From: Levi Bard (
Date: Fri Dec 06 2002 - 00:54:26 EST

On Thu, 5 Dec 2002 20:56:41 -0500
Larry Sanders <> wrote:

> I'm figuring it out but still can't doit: one user having access
> to another user's home directory when logging in with ssh, or putty.
> Here is the details: on my firewall machine (moshe), I have the sshd
> service active and the iptables filter allows access to login.
> Consider two users, larry and amy, who can indipendently login if the
> file protections are set 700 (rwx for owner).
> Larry needs access to /home/amy so larry can give amy work.
> So change the protection to 770 on /home/amy, then add the
> group amy to user larry and create a symbolic link in /home/larry.
> Now larry can get easily to amy's home directory as a subdirectory
> of his own. BUT amy can no longer login because of ssh, which
> reports an error of bad modes on /home/amy
> How can I create access for user larry into amy's /home/amy
> so when amy connects, then her work is in her home directory?
> Larry :-)

I'm guessing you did a `chmod -R 770 /home/amy` ? If that's the case, sshd is probably complaining about the perms on ~/.ssh and/or ~/.ssh2 , which hold keys among other things. If you must have all of /home/amy group-writable, try making .ssh and .ssh2 (if they exist) 700 again.


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