This is the second set of Debian disks I've gotten from Cheapbytes that
I can't install from. This happened with the 3.0 and now the 3.0r1
versions. The disks are fine and read okay. It goes like this:
I let dselect read all the disks and tell me all the packages that are
available. It does this fine. I select what I want. Finally, it tells me
it's going to install, and asks me to insert disk 1, which I do. Then it
reads the disks and tells me it can't find things where they're supposed
to be on the disk. It looks for a Packages.gz file on the disk, which it
can't find. I tell it where it is, and then it tells me it can't find
the *.deb files, which are in a tree of directories under the pool
subdirectory. No matter what I tell it, it can't seem to match things
up. I can't believe it's been butchered this way by CheapBytes-- it
found the packages available in the first place; it just won't install
them because it can't find the *.deb files (which are there).
Someone tell me how to fix this.
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