RE: [SLUG] I am beginning to lose my hair

From: Andrew Wyatt (
Date: Mon Feb 03 2003 - 18:14:36 EST

On Mon, 2003-02-03 at 15:58, Rock wrote:
> I can now take the time to revisit this issue after having been
> distracted by my boss for a few days. If you recall, I cannot telnet,
> ssh or rsh into this redhat 8.0 install. rsh will not go out either.
> Matt suggested the following:
> 2) Run nmap and/or netstat to determine if a box is listening on port 23
> for telnet and port 22 for ssh:
> # This will show what ports are listening and which applications
> have the ports open (run as root).
> $ netstat -pnl | egrep "22|23"
> # From a remote host:
> $ nmap -p 22-23 hostname
> *** neither port is listening at this point!!
> 3) Run ps to see if telnet/ssh is running:
> *** neither is running
> $ ps axf | egrep "ssh|telnet"
> 4) Search for sshd/telnetd to see if you have a variation of the
> ssh/telnet daemon(s) installed:
> $ find /usr -name "*telnet*"
> $ find /usr -name "*ssh*"
> *** I have removed and re installed telnet from redhat rpm's.
> 5) If some variation of sshd/telnetd is found, manually run the command
> as root:
> $ /usr/sbin/telnetd
> OR
> $ /usr/sbin/sshd
> *** I have nothing that resembles a daemon process to execute at all.
> 6) See if you can ssh/telnet to the host from a remote host after
> manually running the command.
> user@remotehost$ ssh <hostname or ip_address>
> user@remotehost$ telnet <hostname or ip_address>
> *** Nope, nothing
> I have the same problem with rsh. Nothing happens when I execute the
> command.
> What the heck as I missing here?? I installed the same OS on a
> workstation and viola, everything works. It is as if the install
> screwed up somewhere.
> Michael C. Rock

I am assuming you are logged in with root's full path. If you are suing
to root, issue "su -" instead of "su" or source root's profile before
continuing (. ~/.bash_profile).

You need to have the following packages installed:


You can get this list with the following command:

rpm -qa | grep -e inet -e telnet -e ssh

If they are installed, issue the following commands. If you get any
errors please send them to me. (Via email, or messenger. AIM & Yahoo:
andrew7005 ICQ: 3947763)

chkconfig --level 345 telnet on
chkconfig --level 345 xinetd on
chkconfig --level 345 sshd on
service xinetd start
service sshd start

Attempt to telnet to your IP address. If that fails try turning off your
firewall long enough to test again.

You can turn your firewall off by issuing the following:

service iptables stop

Then back on with:
service iptables start

If the packages are not installed, you can use the package manager that
comes with RedHat 8 to install them.

If you get stuck, feel free to email, or IM me. If I'm not online or not
available I will be soon, so feel free to send a message anyway.


Andrew Wyatt <>
FEWT Software -

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