Re: [SLUG] Red Hat Network

From: Andrew Wyatt (
Date: Thu Feb 06 2003 - 19:28:33 EST

On Thu, 2003-02-06 at 19:12, Joe Brandt wrote:

> You people may be superintellegent geeks but you seem to have absolutely
> zero business scense. In order to run any business you must get paid (as in
> money) for something. Mandrake (who is in financial trouble), RedHat and
> any other feasable Linux distrubution pay people to make their products
> better. In order to get better products we must purchase their products.

I agree completely.

> Realistically, how many people would hate Microsoft if their prices were
> reasonable? If we want a choice, we must pay for it.

Lots of us, it's not price that bothers me. It's there constant
(illegal|immoral|unethical) business activity that really burns me up.

Andrew Wyatt <>
FEWT Software -

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