Re: [SLUG] Debian almost

From: Paul M Foster (
Date: Sun Feb 09 2003 - 12:13:28 EST

On Sun, Feb 09, 2003 at 11:35:11AM -0500, Mike Manchester wrote:

> I've got Debian running on an IBM ThinkPad 760 XL, almost.
> I can't get the Xserver to run but I've had that problem since Version
> 4.x of Xfree. In any case I found where someone had selected unsupported
> device and SVGA driver and IBM 9514-B TFT Panel during the install. Well
> I really don't to go through the install again just to select these
> options.
> BUT I can't find xconfigurator and XF86Config doesn't give me the above
> items to choose from. What's up with that? Somewhere, somehow there must
> be away to select the above items.
> Other wise how can I remove the XFree 4 and install XFree 3 in Woody?
> Can I do that through dselect?

You can do it in dselect-- select xserver-svga for install. You'll see
it has a version number of 3.3.6. You can uninstall xserver-xfree86,
which has a 4.1.0 version number. But I wouldn't uninstall the 4.1
version. Just leave it on there and don't run it. Which server runs
depends on the symlink at /etc/X11/X, which is linked to the server you
want. Once you've installed the 3.3.6 server, you can symlink /etc/X11/X
to it (if not already done by the install). Of course, you don't have to
select xserver-svga. There may be another xserver-* 3.3.6 version that
works better for your laptop.


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