> I'm really thinking about VNC/ogg recording my UML presentation for folks to
> enjoy online afterward. It would be nice to get VNCReflector going to make it
> truely live.. but simply capturing it seems more important to me.
> - - Ian
Maybe you don't need a VNC recording. You could go low-tech with html and some screenshots, then embed or link the ogg for each page, a little like a portable powerpoint (or what's the equivalent, star/open impress?). In a setup like that, the user wouldn't have to pause or rewind the video in order to take notes or to try some things for him/herself. Video could be embedded at important points as well, and you could link to reference materials, things like definitions, more deeply detailed explanations, and example shell scripts. Users could skim through parts they know, too, rather than sitting through a video lecture.
It makes sense to me, but I'm sure there are people who would prefer a video, too.
Thoughts, random thoughts...
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