Re: [SLUG] Presentations

From: Frank Robers _ SOTL (
Date: Thu Feb 13 2003 - 15:51:02 EST

On Thursday 13 February 2003 14:26, Ian C. Blenke wrote:
> On Thursday 13 February 2003 13:24, Frank Robers _ SOTL wrote:
> > YES! At least there was once upon a time.
> > In fact once up on a time there was no Bois.
> > But I believe that a higher level of thought might be appropriate here.
> >
> > As far as BOIS is concerned that was a new term I had to learn when I
> > returned to playing with computers after a 20 year absence. Drove me nuts
> > until I figured out that a modern chip computer is really not one
> > computer but a large number of "simple computers" simply transferring
> > data from one input buss to another.
> You may be a bit *too* advanced to get a true "newbies" feel when it comes
> to general computing. Not that his is a bad thing ;)

I suspect that a true newbies would not be sophisticated enough to understand
what it is that he did not understand or it significance.
To be honest I feel sort of insulted in a friendly sort of way to be called a
newbies even though that is probable where my knowledge level is in relation
to modern computers.

> > What I feel is a presentation on basic modern day Linux in a simple
> > framework from which more advanced presentations may bill on.
> I agree.

If you recall some of my original email on this I was advocating that the a
presentation be made on the component parts of Tomsrtbt as a means of
introduction to basic Linux computers but several of the more knowledgeable
people advised me that Tomsrtbt was a trite too advanced.

I still believe that that might be the correct level even though I have
sowered somewhat on Tomsrtbt since I have been unable to make it run in my

In fact Tomsrtbt might be appropriate for several presentations. One on its
component parts and how they fit together.
Another on how to decompose it and reassembly it according to one desires. I
believe Ed gave a presentation on this several years back but at the time I
was not up to understanding much of what he was presenting.
A third presentation could be made on its network properties and how to
connect to the Internet using it.
And, if one really became infatuate with Tomsrtbt one could always make a
presentation on it original purpose as a tool to repair dysfunctional systems
but I believe that this would be way too advanced for most newbies as that
supposes a high degree of knowledge of the system that a newbies would not


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