Re: [SLUG] Samba madness

From: Paul Braman (
Date: Sat Feb 15 2003 - 10:50:51 EST

On Fri, 14 Feb 2003, Robert Eanes wrote:

> The way I understand what you are trying to do is that
> you have a netbios share being served by Samba, and
> are trying to get to that share on a W2k machine. To
> test configuration go to start menu -> run -> command.
> Ping netbios(samba) share name -> ie. "\\computer"
> not "\\computer\share". For example: computer
> "\\goofy" is sharing folder "bone". Ping "\\goofy"
> not "\\goofy\bone", K. The "\\" is important, it
> tells MS that it is an UNC name and queries WINS
> instead of DNS.

Well, that's something...

I can run "nbtstat -c" and it shows the machine/IP mapping for NetBIOS
(shows that it has it available) but "ping \\hostname" says it's an
unknown host.

Beats me how to set up NetBEUI since Win2K doesn't have an option for that
specifically. I made sure to turn on "File and Print Sharing" just in
case that was it but still no change. [shrugs]

I think it's this WINS lookup thing which is bugged...once I figure out
how to fix that I am golden.

Paul Braman

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