I am beginning to use gpg to sign all of my outgoing messages. I have
exported my public signature to a server (wwwkeys.pgp.net). What I'm
trying to figure out, is how do you know if someone else has exported
their public key to a server? For instance, I just received a message
via SLUG from Brian Coyle that was signed by gpg, but there is a message
"This message is digitally signed but can not be proved to be authentic"
"Can't check signature: public key not found"
So, I obviously need to add his public key to my keyring to verify that
it was Brian Coyle that sent the message. Do I have to get him to send
me the key, or can I download it from a server? Thanks!
On Sun, 2003-02-16 at 20:55, Brian Coyle wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Sunday 16 February 2003 17:16, Doug Koobs wrote:
> > Well, I was able to make a little progress with this...
> [snip]
> > Is there a way to get it to
> > continue on to the next commands, even thought the first isn't finished
> > executing?
> This worked for me (watch the line wrap):
> $ cat moztest
> #!/bin/bash
> /usr/local/mozilla/mozilla &
> sleep 25
> /usr/local/mozilla/mozilla -remote "openURL (http://www.vwvortex.com,
> new-tab)"
> /usr/local/mozilla/mozilla -remote "openURL (http://www.gamespy.com, new-tab)"
> /usr/local/mozilla/mozilla -remote "openURL (http://www.newsforge.com,
> new-tab)"
> Depending on the speed of your machine, you may have to tune the sleep time.
> (mine is a PII/200 and wouldn't load properly until values > 20)...
> Better yet, you may want to add intelligence and check the return value
> of the second and subsequent mozilla's.
> HTH!
> - --
> Security is simply a speed bump, not a road block.
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Brian Coyle, GCIA http://www.giac.org/GCIA.php
> iD8DBQE+UEE1ER3MuHUncBsRAtjfAJ4g8wSc5JTOk3ZKpczZalLAY/fbAACfRW3b
> xT/3KlpIMw28d5wiIqghTQE=
> =ljjq
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