Use "ssh -v" to get a more verbose breakdown on what is going on from the
client side, and look at your syslog messages ("/var/log/auth.log" on debian)
for sshd messages complaining of bad permissions.
Bad file permissions on your ~/.ssh directory and files will likely be your
- Ian
On Friday 21 February 2003 13:05, Rock wrote:
> I am having trouble getting openssh to give me automatic login to my
> server. I have generated the keys required and put the key
> on the server in authorized_keys file. When I login using ssh I still
> get a prompt asking for my password. According to the instructions I
> should be getting a prompt asking for my passphrase.
> I am able to login, but I need to be able to login without any prompts
> so my cron job can run. I have downloaded keychain and will begin
> implementing that once I can get the clean login to the server without
> it asking for my password.
> I am running openssh 3.4p1-2 on the client computer running RH 8.0 and
> openssh 2.5.2p2-5 on the server running RH 7.1.
> Michael C. Rock
> Systems Analyst
> Registered Linux User # 287973
> "The time has come the walrus said to speak of many things,,,"
> "Christians give up what they cannot keep to gain what they cannot lose"
-- - Ian C. Blenke <>(This message bound by the following:
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