How much machine do I need to run vnc2swf. I am running it
on a Toshiba portege 7010 and it is slow, the screens write
bar by bar. I may have something screwed up in X as things
are slow in general, but it just may be the machine.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ian C. Blenke [mailto:icblenke@nks.net]
Sent: 19 February, 2003 17:54
To: slug@nks.net; wchast@utilpart.com
Subject: Re: [SLUG] vnc2swf
On Wednesday 19 February 2003 13:18, wchast@utilpart.com wrote:
> Ian
> (and who else wants to pitch in)
> I am trying to get vnc2swf up and running. In extracting
> and doing the MING stuff, do I need to
> just the
> make
> make install
If you want synchronized audio, you want to apply the patch from the vnc2swf
page first. If not, you should be able to just run make and make install.
> or do I also need to do the build into php?
You don't need to build into php. vnc2swf merely needs libming.a and ming.h
(you may need to edit your vnc2swf Makefile and add the -I and -L paths to
the directory containing these files).
> From what I can understand it looks like vnc2swf just needs
> the libraries so all I need to do is the first (I hope because
> the second one fails)
Yes. The library and the include file.
> Then when we try to do the vnc2swf install we get a error
> saying that xmkmf -a is not a command.
> Nor can we do a make on it.
"xmkmf" is a wrapper from the X11 development environment for the "imake"
command. You need the appropriate X11 development tools. In debian, these
contained in the "xutils" package.
> I am trying to set it up on a RH 8.0 system. If there are
> any pointers you can give me please do so. Tnx, again enjoyed
> your presentation the other night, looking forward to seeing
> the one you are going to put on the web.
I've started building a site to host this content:
It's still under development.. I'm trying to get decent recordings of the
pieces from the presentation that aren't incredibly huge.
I'll work toward a quick presentation of building this for rh8 as well. The
goal is not only to setup this website, but also to document the process of
creating these vnc2swf'ed sessions so that others may contribute.
Unfortunately, these flash files can grow very quickly if you don't pay
attention to what you're recording.
-- - Ian C. Blenke <icblenke@nks.net>(This message bound by the following: http://www.nks.net/email_disclaimer.html)
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