Date: Fri Feb 21 2003 - 16:32:51 EST

I realized it was stairing me in the face when
I was running X. There under tools I think it
was I finally realized that package manager
might just be what I was looking for... Indeed
it did the job. I will try redhat-config next
time and see how it compares.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Wildman []
Sent: 21 February, 2003 16:11
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Where is my LINUXCONFIG

If you mean linuxconf, it is no longer included. Open a konsole window,
redhat-config and hit tab twice. There should be a number of config
tools. If not install them from the CD. There are also buried in the
menu somewhere, but I just use the command line.

Jim Wildman, CISSP, RHCE

On Fri, 21 Feb 2003 wrote:

> I built up a laptop with RH 8.0 during the setup process when it
> asked me if I needed tools to do X I did not check it, as I did not
> think I needed to do so on this machine, well I now find out that
> I do need those tools.
> I went to find LINUXCONFIG and find that it is not on RH8 nor
> even amoung the RPM's. In the past when I have needed to do
> such additions I have used LINUXCONFIG. What is the replacement
> because I am not sure what all I need to pull in in order to make
> sure all of the X development stuff is in there. I suspect that it is
> not much but RPM is notorious for telling you after the fact that
> you need more "stuff" in order to finish whatever it is that you
> are trying to do.
> Please no lectures about your favorite distro, I am doing this
> at the office, I have my own ideas too, but I have to use this,
> at least it is not M$...
> Chuck Hast
> Telecomms Consultant, Utility Partners.
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> "the only dumb question is the one you DID NOT ask resulting in my going
> and
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