Re: [SLUG] Copy and paste???

From: Ed Centanni (
Date: Sun Feb 23 2003 - 01:19:07 EST

Frank Robers _ SOTL wrote:

> On Saturday 22 February 2003 18:27, Doug Koobs wrote:
>>I am trying to copy and paste in the same app, and get it to work..
> You must be dreaming.
> "Copy and paste" is one of the two most broken items that do not work
> correctly in Linux that because of preconceived ideas of standards.

Sorry Frank, I can't let this go. "Copy and paste is one of the BEST
things about the X Window System(it's not a Linux issue). The only
place I ever had a problem is copying from (the app, not
the site) and pasting into Netscape. I have to use NT 4.0 at work and
it's a royal pain and irritating inconvenience in everything.

> The other major broken item is linux inability to have more than one - modem &
> Ethernet - Internet configuration (not connection) at the same time such as
> would be extremely useful for a laptop.

I have several concurrent network configurations on my SuSE 7.1 laptop
and they all work fine. I could go from the network at work to mine at
home to a clients network (US and Europe) and then back to the hotel and
a dialup phone jack (using my build-in winmodem) They had different
assigned IP's, different gateway ip's, multiple DNS servers, and dhcp
thrown into the mix. It all just worked by plugging in the wire. I got
so lazy about bothering with network configuration, I paid Earthlink a
few dollars more for a national 1-800 dialup number so I didn't even
have to look up and enter a local access phone number. Now if everyone
had wireless, I wouldn't have to so much as lift my hand from the mouse
to plug in the wire.

I just can't imagine the "other" OS with this kind of flexibility. Just
try to assign more than one concurrent IP address to the same card in
windows. If network configuration is broken in Linux then I wish
everything I own could be so defective!


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