Re: [SLUG] Mail quit working

From: Ian C. Blenke (
Date: Mon Feb 24 2003 - 14:57:27 EST

On Monday 24 February 2003 14:13, Bill Glidden wrote:
> My mail system on my SuSE 8.1 system has quit working. Mail just seems to
> disappear.
> I can mail something from one user to the other, apparently successfully,
> but the
> mail never shows up, and if it's bouncing back I never see it. This is
> regardless of the email program that I use (mail, pine, mutt). I use
> fetchmail to
> retrieve mail from my pop-server, and I can see that fetchmail reads it,
> but it never
> arrives in my mailbox like it used to. I can't think of anything that I
> changed, but
> being in the tech support world I hear that all the time and never believe
> it, so I
> must have done something and just can't remember what I did. Any
> suggestions?0

Basic email debugging? Look at /var/log/messages (or /var/log/mail.log, or
wherever your mailer's logs are being sent to). Find any error messages that
would complain about MTA local delivery. Try "echo test | mail -v otheruser"
to see what is happening from the client's perspective. Look in your
mailqueue with "mailq" (or "sendmail -bp") and see if the messages simply
aren't being delivered. If you use procmail, try setting up a message LOG and
tail it (I put mine in ~/.procmail/log).

There are many different MTAs and MUAs. There are any number of things that
could be going wrong. Check MTA debugging logs, try sending out test messages
with debugging enabled on your MUA, and try running things directly to see
where messages are going.

- Ian C. Blenke <>

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