[SLUG] Mail quit working

From: Bill Glidden (bglidden@tampabay.rr.com)
Date: Mon Feb 24 2003 - 14:13:10 EST

My mail system on my SuSE 8.1 system has quit working. Mail just seems to
I can mail something from one user to the other, apparently successfully,
but the
mail never shows up, and if it's bouncing back I never see it. This is
regardless of the email program that I use (mail, pine, mutt). I use
fetchmail to
retrieve mail from my pop-server, and I can see that fetchmail reads it, but
it never
arrives in my mailbox like it used to. I can't think of anything that I
changed, but
being in the tech support world I hear that all the time and never believe
it, so I
must have done something and just can't remember what I did. Any

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