Re: [SLUG] Is there a Monday meeting this month?

From: Ian C. Blenke (
Date: Mon Feb 24 2003 - 12:56:07 EST

On Sunday 23 February 2003 22:46, wrote:
> I'll be there as well. Looking forward to it and hoping someone will help
> me with a Debian apt-get install of Gnome2 issue I have :).
> In case someone wants to take a shot at it before the meeting, I Installed
> Gnome2 on my new Debian load on my laptop but for some reason when I go
> into Gnome, it doesn't use Sawfish as the window manager. Actually I'm not
> even sure what Window Manager it is trying to use but it works similar to
> CDE because when it comes up it gives those gridded boxes that you have to
> place all the windows including the desktop. I even tried to apt-get
> upgrade the sawfish manager which completed successfully but still comes up
> with that other funky window manager. Does anyone know the config file to
> go into and what values need to be changed.

You are probably experiencing the wonders of metacity. They decided to
completely rewrite an entirely new window manager for Gnome2. It seems that
the old sawfish (anyone remember sawmill?) was "krufty", and much of the
understanding of the old source base was forgotten. Derek's take on Gnome/KDE
development seems to fit more and more as the efforts progress.

- Ian C. Blenke <>

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