Is that what causes the apps to just dissappear :(.
Very frustrating trying to troubleshoot. Thanks for
the info. Looks like I'll be reinstalling soon!
I've heard all sorts of opinions as to which file
systems is going to be the next great standard.. XFS,
Reiser, ext3... anyone out there care to highlight the
pros cons, and technical merit of these?
--- Robin 'Roblimo' Miller <> wrote:
> Kenneth W Hansen wrote:
> >I've been using Mandrale 9.0 for the past few
> months
> >at home. I'm a new user, and still feeling my way
> >around. I'm not familiar with these issues, but
> have 2
> >others that happen each time I shut down the system
> >for a day or so, then start it back up.
> >
> I'm using Mandrake but:
> 1) I've found that if I specify ReiserFS when
> installing I don't get the
> file munging (instabilities) I got fro the default
> EXT3 journaling
> filesystem.
> 2) I now use Gnome as my default desktop. Mozilla
> and OpenOffice, the
> two "big" applications I use all day long, load and
> run noticably faster
> under Gnome than in KDE. It took me a little more
> work to get a Gnome
> bottom panel set up than a KDE one (I like to run
> *everything* from my
> panel) but the effort was worth it.
> These changes have made my experience with Mandrake
> much more pleasant.
> - Robin
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