Re: [SLUG] SCO Suing IBM

From: Ed Centanni (
Date: Fri Mar 07 2003 - 18:01:27 EST

Here's an extra bit of mud to clear things up.

One thing that isn't talked about much on all these web articles is that
  , oddly enough, SCO does own the *nix source code it does NOT own the
*nix trademark -- The X/Open Company Ltd does:

The X/Open Company is either the parent company or does business as
(dba) as The Open Group which has 5 corporate sponsors: HP, Hitachi,
Fujitsu, Sun and <insert sinister music> I B M!

I wonder if IBM could influence the Open Group to yank SCO's use of the
*nix trademark?! I'm sure that would do wonders for the "value" of
SCO's precious-sss source.


Paul M Foster wrote:

> In case you haven't been following it (and I hadn't until now), there's
> a story on NewsForge by ESR on how SCO is suing IBM for billions over
> IBM's "disclosure" of SCO intellectual property to the "free software"
> community. SCO bought the Unix source and IP from Novell in 1995, and
> is now looking high and low for vestiges of their IP. IBM has the
> deepest pockets, so they're the first to get sued.
> In any case, since Caldera became SCO, they've become more and more
> hostile to the Open Source community. This present action is a direct
> threat to us. I don't want to spend too much time on this on the SLUG
> list, but it seems like a pretty important event to me.
> Paul

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