Re: [SLUG] SCO Suing IBM

From: marrandy (
Date: Fri Mar 07 2003 - 20:31:22 EST

On Friday 07 March 2003 05:53 pm, you wrote:

> Hmm, I must be thick or something. I don't see how this affects
> Linux particularly. Linux code does not include SCO code. If AIX
> does then IBM will deal with it. It will not impede their Linux
> commitment, if anything the opposite.

Well, there are Two many variables that only the court, or an agreement will

IF IBM did provide AIX source, proprietry information etc.


IF it is proven

then it will be a repeat of the BSD war in the 1990-1994 period.

Code from AIX or derived from seeing the source etc. would probably (note that
word) be ordered to be excised from Linux by the court.

Unfortunately, we can only wait and see how everything plays out.

It's out of our control but I'm sure Linus and the other developers are taking
note and looking at the code and other help IBM have been supplying to Linux,
but whether there is much point until a judgement is made as per the BSD

I bet Bill Gates is smirking at the moment. Watch out for a wave of FUD as
they pounce on this with comments about Linux code being 'contaminated'
with proprietry and derived code which will be further sensationalized as
Linux being mortally wounded or even worse.

> Steve


printk("CPU[%d]: Sending penguins to jail...",smp_processor_id());
        2.4.8 arch/sparc64/kernel/smp.c

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