Re: [SLUG] Getting audio CD to work

From: Russell Hires (
Date: Fri Mar 14 2003 - 14:10:09 EST

Well, I think we went too low level on this one. I think someone suggested
that I use xmms-cdread, and that worked. It seems there is a bug with kde's
kscd player, and New World Macs, and the arts daemon...But, I've got the
ability to play audio CD's now...thanks to all who wrote. :-)


On Wednesday 12 March 2003 05:38 pm, Kwan Lowe wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-03-12 at 16:17, Kenneth W Hansen wrote:
> > In my case, it shows that it's playing, but no sound.
> > The welcome music plays when I log in, and all of the
> > other sounds work.
> > I'm running a CD burner, so it emulates a SCSI. I've
> > checked, and it is showing the correct device in the
> > settings.
> Besides the cable there are a couple other things to check:
> Open the Volume Control and verify that the CD is not muted.
> Does your CD player have a volume knob? I'm not sure if it affects the
> passthrough cable, but you can try fiddling with it.
> If you have more than one CD player and are using a motherboard based
> sound chip, then often only one input is active. I.e., there are usually
> two connectors, a black and white, and one of them gets automatically
> disabled if the second is connected.
> Some CD players also have an option to actually read the WAV file
> directly from the CD rather than just using the pass-through. It may
> have an option such as "Digital Audio".
> Are you using KSCD (you mentioned the KDE CD player) or something else?
> Have you tried XMMS with the CD plugin?

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