[SLUG] Need help with init scripts

From: Russ Wright (rwrigh10@tampabay.rr.com)
Date: Fri Mar 28 2003 - 10:24:31 EST

Hi All

I recently install the wlan-ng drivers for my linksys wireless card on
my laptop. The native drivers supplied by RH 8.0 (oronico_cs) were
spotty at best.

Here is my problem. The init scripts that load my drivers are not
loading intelligently. My laptop has an internal network card (eth0)
and I have a pcmcia linksys wireless card also (wlan0). I'd like to
change the order of events so that the scripts load the right drivers
when needed. For example when my wireless (wlan0) is plugged in the
init script loads that driver and not the wired (eth0).

Also I have a script to synconize my system clock with the atomic clock
that doesn't load in the right place when I use wireless.

If I come to the St. Pete meeting could someone help me?


Russ Wright <rwrigh10@tampabay.rr.com>

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