Re: [SLUG] Florida's Super-DMCA bill

From: steve (
Date: Mon Mar 31 2003 - 20:09:29 EST

On Monday 31 March 2003 11:00, Derek Glidden wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 18:28, steve wrote:
> > It infact allows for legal use these devices of if you are
> > "authorized" or providing a service. I forget the exact wording
> > on
> Yep, and anyone want to put money down on how quickly the cable
> ISPs will start charging much more for the cable internet service
> that "authorizes" you to run a firewall?
> Or perhaps they won't authorize any end-user and instead will
> force users to "license" a firewall that's located at and run by
> the cable ISP itself. For much more money of course.

So alarmist... They have no interest in those services. They simply
want to provide network access. They don't block anything just ask
to be paid for service deliverd.


Steve ______________________________________________________ (This sig has been left open for your imagination.)

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