[SLUG] diff question

From: Mike Manchester (mchester@pobox.com)
Date: Thu Apr 17 2003 - 06:42:18 EDT

I just finished upgrading to the latest release of multicd, a backup to
cd program.

During this process I took the output of diff, after comparing my old
multicdrc file with the sample_multicdrc file from the new release. Then
taking the differences and used them to create a sed script to update
the sample_multicdrc with the changes from my old multicdrc.

I was wondering is there a program or a process that will allow me to do
this without createing a sed script? When I worked at IBM we could take
the output of their difference program on the mainframe and feed than
into another program and presto have the two files merged with all the
changes. It basically created a sed script for you. I couldn't seem to
find an option for diff that would create a sed script. Seems like it
should be an option.

Mike M.

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