Re: [SLUG] Postfix+procmail+spamassassin

From: Paul M Foster (
Date: Tue May 20 2003 - 18:26:31 EDT

On Tue, May 20, 2003 at 02:42:13AM +0000, Doug Koobs wrote:

> I apologize for bringing this up again, but I'm still having trouble grasping
> this...
> I've got Postfix running on RH9, and imapd to give clients access to
> the mail.
> I'd like to use SpamAssassin to filter spam by content. (I notice that spamd
> starts at bootup, but I don't think it's actually doing anything.) From
> earlier posts, I know I need Procmail to do this. But I'm having trouble
> figuring out how to get the mail piped from one program to another. From what
> I gather, this is the path that email should take in my proposed setup:
> postfix>procmail>spamassassin>procmail>postfix>??????
> Can anyone point me in the right directoin for some good docs, or provide
> stepson how to do this? Thanks,

The only one of these programs I currently use is procmail, so I can't
vouch for _exactly_ how to work the others. However, there is usually
somewhere in the config file for your MTA (postfix) that tells it where
to hand the mail off to. I could give you the section in my exim.cfg,
but it would be useless with postfix. Somewhere in the postfix docs,
there has to be something that documents the handing off of mail to a
program like procmail.

Likewise, spamassassin docs have instructions for adding spamassassin to
your procmail config file. It's a recipe or two that will tell procmail
to force the mail through spamassassin. Since you'll want to get the
mail back out, you'll need another recipe to dump the mail somewhere. I
think you mentioned that spam goes to a single address and other mail
goes elsewhere. Procmail with use postfix again to deliver the mail.

In any case, the docs for all three programs should give you clues. Your
diagram above is correct. Sorry, I wish I could assist more, but I don't
use two of the programs you mentioned.


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