Re: [SLUG] SCO-Linux

From: jeff (
Date: Fri Jun 06 2003 - 14:25:34 EDT

Dylan William Hardison wrote:

>On Friday, June 06, 2003 at 11:37AM -0400, Levi Bard wrote:
>>Although, if they submit the source
>>as evidence, doesn't that make it public domain?
>I'm pretty sure showing the code to a judge or whatever would not make
>it public domain.

  That is correct. Case in point: Nothing from MS has become public
domain, even after the code had been viewed during their many court
appearances. There was a site, OldSoftware, that had some of the
*really* old MS stuff (like DOS 1.0 and Windows for the 80286) ready for
download. It was supposed to be just for people that had really old
hardware and wanted to use it still. MS found out and ordered them to
remove the software and action is still pending against the site owners.


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