Re: [SLUG] RoadRunner modem status page

From: Ian C. Blenke (
Date: Fri Jun 06 2003 - 15:27:09 EDT

On Friday 06 June 2003 00:45, Josh Tiner wrote:
> Yeh, it's kind of cool. I also know how to get the IP of my digital set
> top box... I've been wanting to play around with the USB port and cat5
> in the back - but just haven't had the time... anyone know what those
> are for?

Yeah, I've never been able to convince a Time Warner lineman to tell me the
secret salute to get to the IP and signal power information via the screen
view.. mind sharing that bit of info? :)

Also, while you can get to your cablemodem via, you can also get
to it via it's external 10.x.x.x management DHCP address (if you watch the
DHCP announcements on your segment and collect the DOCSIS information and/or
run arpwatch to find the handful of MAC addresses on that external segment -
the MAC of your cablemodem should be written on the bottom as well).

Anyone using the HDTV trial setup, or have any information about it? I've also
heard they're about to roll out a PVR of sorts as well.

- Ian C. Blenke <>

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