Re: [SLUG] Java programming internships

From: Mark Banschbach (
Date: Thu Jun 12 2003 - 06:54:03 EDT

Welcome Ladies and Gents to Corporate America !

  Why should they pay an IT person when they can get
it for free ! Alas most of our corporate attitudes
have gone that way.. think about this..

   First we had Lawyers.. now you have paralegals,
First we had Doctors, now you have practicioners,
Where you once had skilled labor, you now have

   It is just another way for corporate America to
dehumanize the work force.

  And at the risk of being flogged, or stoned to death
for making such a statement in Florida..

   This, ladies and gentlemen, is why we ( as a
country) need strong unions.

(Ducking for cover)...


--- Eric Jahn <> wrote:
> try Jabil Circuits, I heard they were laying off
> some paid folks, but
> viola, now I see they have programming internships
> available. I recall,
> though, that the skills they wanted were MS-centric.

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