Re: [SLUG] Dual-boot laptop

From: Steven Buehler (
Date: Wed Jun 25 2003 - 20:59:18 EDT

Hash: SHA1
Eric Jahn wrote:

|I like this site: I'd go with Suse or
|Redhat just because the hardware configuration is easier. Gentoo/Debian
|work great on laptops and have support for getting the power management
|features/fancy laptop buttons/battery charge monitors working, but it's
|a lot of work.

I've had great success with Mandrake side-by-side with Win98SE on an old
IBM ThinkPad 380Z (that's the unit I've been bringing with me to the
Brandon SLUG meetings) after trying two versions of Red Hat (8.0 and
9.0) and Debian 3, although it took some snooping around and a little
help from the community to get the sound and IR working (because of
IBM's strange way of designing the interfaces; IR port has to be
explicitly turned on in DOS). Very easy to install and update with the
urpmi application (which figures out, downloads, and installs the
dependencies for you, something only available elsewhere with Debian or
Red Carpet). In either 8.2 or 9.0 they added a neat little utility
called 'autourpmi' which sets up links to all the software available on
the system, whether installed or not, so if I, say, wanted to run
'tetex' but didn't have the RPM installed, I type in the 'tex' command,
it figures it's not installed, automatically fetches the appropriate
RPMs (with dependencies) from either my CDs or internet site (which is
how I usually set it up to get packages after initial install from the
CDs), installs them, and then runs the application.

Heck, Mandrake updating's easy: "urpmi.update update_source; urpmi
--auto-select", and then go have some coffee.

Only thing I have left to do is get Bluetooth working so I can do ssh to
my home PC (which has Mandrake 9.1 running under Connectix Virtual PC)
with my mMode account.


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