Here is some food for thought.
Greedy Ceos, and Coporate officers who do not believe some Geek should make
the income in 3 figures. They feel that if it can cut cost at the expense of
jobs you are just an number. They feel as long as it works who cares if it
is taken over from over seas help. Now then these same greedy A..dont get
the bigger picture the more people out of work less goes in the economy.
Next then take the jobs and put them over seas the money now supports
another countries economy making it a weaker economy for Us. Then the idiots
like Greenspan has the fantasy world thought that all is fine and only
touching lending rates at 1/10 of % or half of an cent will jump the
Getting back quickly to the I.T. people most business will start seeing how
stupid they were once someone has to actually know the structure of a
company to implement a solutions for their company. Now the sad truth the
more of us I.T. background people they know are struggling to just live will
have to take basically a normal payrate and forget about our sacarafice of
time of training we took and the expense and just eat it.
Again everyone marches for different causes why not the I.T. people and let
the stupid Politicians know hey we are also registered voters !
Sorry my 2c vent.
Lets march at the State Capital then the White House !
B. Preece
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