I want to thank everyone for their responses so far. Keep 'em coming if
you've got something to add as well.
I will be getting the ThinkPad T30
I was also considering getting a wireless card for it as we'll be installing
wireless access points in certain areas of our warehouses. Apparently, this
version of the T30 does not include wireless networking or Bluetooth. I was
thinking about getting the Linksys WPC11 wireless network adapter. Anyone
have any experience using this particular card with linux? What else will I
need for linux in order to get wireless networking up and running? Any good
links on the subject of wireless and linux would be helpful. :-)
The T30 page from http://www.linux-laptop.net/ at
http://www.msu.edu/~pfaffben/t30.html looks like it is going to go a long
way in helping me accomplish what I want to do.
Does anyone know of a web address to a users group for the ThinkPad laptops?
Again, I appreciate everyone's comments. Thanks very much.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: slug@lists.nks.net [mailto:slug@lists.nks.net]On Behalf Of Frank
> Roberts - SOTL
> Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 8:00 AM
> To: slug@nks.net; Steven Buehler
> Subject: Re: [SLUG] Dual-boot laptop
> On Thursday 26 June 2003 02:45, Steven Buehler wrote:
> > On Wed, 2003-06-25 at 23:36, jeff wrote:
> > > Bradley Brown wrote:
> > > >---snipped-----
> > > > Is there any particular distro that is geared more towards
> the laptop?
> > >
> > > 2) Mandrake seems to be about equal (good hardware detection,
> > > multiple installation choices) but takes longer to install.
> >
> > Have to agree; after trying RedHat, Mandrake, and Debian, I stuck with
> > Mandrake 9.1. In fact, that's the distro I've stuck with on all of my
> > systems. Only downside: RedHat has a lot more support for DocBook than
> > Mandrake (I use DocBook for some of my documentation projects).
> Personally I have tried SuSE, RH, and Mandrake on my Thinkpad.
> Currently I have Mandrake on it principally because that is the
> distribution
> of choice of the Thinkpad users group. Almost no one appears to
> be using RH.
> That being said there are several major drawback with Mandrake.
> 1. Mandrake went bankrupt in France. This may have a negative impact on
> distributions after 9.1.
> 2. Mandrake is not cutting edge nor compatable to RH. Cutting
> edge implies
> Mandrake is not up to SuSE's standards and the compatability
> issue comes into
> play with RPM's which are not made by Mandrake.
> 3. Purchase of a box distribution does not give one access to the
> Mandrake
> Club. That you have to purchase separately. So box set Mandrake
> plus Mandrake
> club is more costly than RH or SuSE.
> Mandrake club gives one access to the RPM mentioned in 2.
> 4. Mandrake is currently using a different partitioning system
> than RH and
> SuSE. What that is I will leave to people more knowledgable than
> I but I do
> know if I have Mandrake installed and attempt to install SuSE or
> RH I have to
> start by repartitioning the HD since SuSE nor RH recognizes the Mandrake
> partitions. I know believe me I know on this one.
> As a personal note I believe I would start by finding a users
> group for the
> laptop you desire to place Linux on and see what special issues exist for
> that particular piece of equipment.
> One thing you need to realize is that a laptop can be a much more
> difficult
> than installation than a generatic desktop using name brand components.
> Frank
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