Re: [SLUG] Linux on a business card

From: Derek Glidden (
Date: Thu Jun 26 2003 - 19:10:50 EDT

On Thu, 2003-06-26 at 14:12, Kenneth W Hansen wrote:
> I'm by no means an expert in this area, but I personally have opted
> not to use RH because they seem to be trying to go the way of MS -
> totally proprietary and willing to charge as much as they think they
> can get away with.

I personally _like_ RedHat 9, as long as it's running a home-brew 2.4.21
kernel and not the monstrosity of a kernel that comes with it, with its
astoundingly bad IDE performance issues.(1) I think it's finally
something my parents could use, which is saying something if you ever
saw my mom around a computer!

Regardless of what it is they're doing to the "Enterprise Server" line,
the code must still be made available simply because it's based on the
GPL kernel. They're just trying to make money, and I have no problem at
all with companies that want to make money with Linux as long as they're
not actively cheating the license, and I've never seen any evidence that
RedHat is going that far. (And if this thread turns into another "SuSE
sucks because you can't download their distro for free" type flamewar,
I'm not participating....)

I'm only cheezed that, of all the Linux companies that should know
better than to behave that way, RedHat seems to be going out of their
way to undeservedly dump on XFS in favor of ext3 for what appear to be
purely marketing/political reasons. (Mad props to the SGI XFS peeps who
inevitably release an XFS-enabled RedHat installer within a couple of
weeks of new RedHat releases. Homies be bad yo!)

(1) I've read at least dozens, if not hundreds, of complaints that
RedHat 9 has atrocious IDE performance on certain platforms. I've read
at least a couple of reports that its stock kernel has an experimental
IDE read/write scheduler enabled by default, and, by rebuilding either
the stock kernel with it disabled, or by building your own kernel, you
can increase performance dramatically; some people have reported 10x IDE
performance increases with rebuilt kernels. I personally, when moving
away from the stock kernel and building my own 2.4.21-aa1 kernel, saw
~4x speed improvement on the box I was playing with RedHat 9, back to
what I normally see from that machine.

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