Slow down! You're asking four different questions (I think) and not being
clear on any of them. I'll try to answer your questions inline.
On Saturday July 05 2003 11:47 am, you wrote:
> Needed suggestions on a couple of issues:
> I am new to the world of linux and networking/backup utilities. Want to
> do the following:
> I have 3 machines I'm trying to put on the same network. Laptop RH9,
> Desktop RH9 and Emachine Windows XP. I was able to get the Desktop RH9
> to see the emachine but how can I get Win XP to see the RH9 Desktop?
You'll need to configure Samba (smbd) as a server (use either share or user
security level) on the RH9 Desktop machine. Right now you have it properly
configured from a client perspective but you will need to set up a share or
two for the XP box to see the Redhat 9 Desktop machine. Make sure that you
use the same workgroup names on all the machines, it saves a lot of
headaches. See man smb for a lot of details. You will find that using swat
makes this configuration very easy. If it is not installed then install it.
Then point your browser (on the same Linux machine) to http://localhost:901
> Also. How can I run a backup script from the RH9 desktop to the
> Emachine? I don't have any tape backup options so I was thinking
> network drive to network drive.
Not sure what you mean here. You could use Rsync to replicate the directory
structure from on machine to the next. Or you could do a tar backup of the
Linux machine and save the archive on the XP machine.
> Is it possible to use Microsoft backup to backup files to the Desktop
> RH9 box?
Yes. Map a drive to the Redhat 9 Desktop machine Samba share that you created
above. Then run Microsoft's backup and store the archive on the mapped drive
(Redhat 9 Desktop)
> I know you can map drive letters in the MS world but am unsure with
> mounting and the linux world.
The principle is the same. In MS you would use net use f:
\\servername\sharename On Linux you would first create a directory such as
mkdir /msnet. Then you would run the command; mount -t smbfs
XP-IP-Address:/sharename /msnet Once successfully mounted you can find the XP
filesystem at /msnet on the Linux machine. The documentation you need can be
found by typing these commands.
man smb
man mount
man fstab
also man smbmount but this might confuse you. Simply remember tha mount will
automatically call smbmount if you use the "-t smbfs" option with mount.
> Currently using SMB using Network Server in RH9 to get to the xp box.
> Pretty easy to use.
Good. You just need some more tweaking here to get it working the other way.
> Any suggestions would be appreciated for this newbie. Thanks.
> William Lindfors
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