I prefer books, but books are difficult and expensive for content
providers to update dynamically. So sometimes we can't have books. For
me, this debate really isn't a question of which is better (books or
ebooks), but what is feasible. I will accept my flame now.
On Mon, 2003-07-07 at 21:45, Paul M Foster wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 07, 2003 at 10:21:20AM -0400, Levi Bard wrote:
> > > Also when was the last time you laid outside in a hammock with a
> > > computer on your lap?
> > Saturday.
> >
> > > Or sat next to a fire in a recliner or read an
> > > e-book in bed?
> <snip>
> > 2)
> > it's much less hassle when you're comfortable to press a button than to
> > flip a page.
> It's more trouble to flip a page than press a button? How big are the
> books you read? ;-}
> Actually, the big thing for me is the ability to find something in a
> book. I (like most people?) do this by feel and by sight. What did the
> page look like that I saw that on? How far into the book was it? I
> suppose this isn't very important with novels, since you mostly read
> them straight through. But with reference works, it's critical. And I've
> probably got four times the reference works lying around that I do
> fiction.
> Paul
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