>> 2)
>> it's much less hassle when you're comfortable to press a button than to
>> flip a page.
> It's more trouble to flip a page than press a button? How big are the
> books you read? ;-}
Well, consider the situation. You're comfortable, maybe lying on your
side, in a bed with big fluffy blankets. You have the book turned
sideways (like an L, with the back cover flat on the bed) so that your
brain doesn't have to interpret everything vertically. When you finish
reading the left-hand page, you have to flip the book up so that the
right-hand page is now facing you. You go to flip a page, the edge of it
gets stuck on the blanket, so you have to wiggle it a little or adjust the
blanket, or whatever. Then, you flip the page and put the right-hand side
flat again so you can read the left-hand side. Repeat 800 times.
> Actually, the big thing for me is the ability to find something in a
> book. I (like most people?) do this by feel and by sight. What did the
> page look like that I saw that on? How far into the book was it? I
> suppose this isn't very important with novels, since you mostly read
> them straight through. But with reference works, it's critical. And I've
> probably got four times the reference works lying around that I do
> fiction.
That's a good point, and you're also less likely to get comfy in bed with
a nice Standard C++ Library reference than with a novel, so it mootifies
(I don't care if it's not a "real" word) much of the preceding.
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