Re: [SLUG] Linux in Appliances

From: Steven Buehler (
Date: Tue Jul 08 2003 - 12:18:57 EDT

On Tue, 2003-07-08 at 11:36, Derek Glidden wrote:
> I will just never get used to ebooks. For me, a book is a visceral
> thing, almost religious. (This sounds weird, but I know many people for
> whom reading a book is the same kind of thing.) I like the "feel" of a
> book, and it's just impossible to replicate that with plastic and
> silicon. Right now anyway.

There are some things that I found ebooks are very well suited for,
especially on my palmtop (a Sony Clie SJ-20) running MobiPocket Reader.
The Web Companion for it is especially helpful if you know how to code
for it. For example, I have a goal to read thru the Bible in a year,
and has a server that gives you the passages to read for a
given day (not just references, but the actual text). I set up an
XML-formatted '.enews' file to pull the readings for the day into a
MobiPocket ebook (formatted using a modified form of XSL stylesheet)
that I can read on my palmtop rather than pull out a Bible, reading plan
book, and other stuff. There are some applications where ebooks beat
paper hands-down.

The 'enews' format also allows me to pull other web sites with
consistently formatted content to read offline at my leisure. I also
frequently will put a document on it via 'Documents to Go' that I need
to bring with me to a meeting out of the home office (since my laptop's
battery lasts all of five minutes now).

Steven Buehler <>

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