--- Russell Hires <rhires@earthlink.net> wrote:
> Ahhh...ignorance is bliss. This would describe me
> well... but for those that
> are interested in security, you can always do port
> forwarding via ssh....I
> believe that the guy from Gentoo wrote a howto on
> this process, and I know
> that there is a link to another on the primary vnc
> website...
If you're connecting to a linux server from Windows,
why not just do it via ssh and an X session? I use
cygwin's ssh and x-windows implementation on the
Windows side. Install cygwin
(http://www.cygwin.com/setup.exe) on the Windows side,
open its X-Windows ('xinit') and do an 'ssh -X
<user>@<host>' in one of the xterms; once connected
issue 'gnome-session' or 'startkde' depending on which
environment you want to work in. It's much more
secure than VNC.
Steven W. Buehler | swbuehler@yahoo.com
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