On Wed, 2003-07-23 at 23:13, Russell Hires wrote:
> >
> > What distro?
> Debian...woody...
Gah! I've never seen that in Debian. (I was so hoping that, despite
knowing you run Debian, you would say something like "Oh, I decided to
give RedHat a go just for a lark." Dang.)
> I've had problems w/ X as well. For example...when my screen saver goes on,
> the X server crashes, and I'm not able to get to a console, or log in
> remotely; although, my firewall setup still works, and forwards packets to
> the rest of my network.
That sounds like hardware problems. Do the keyboard LEDs flash then?
If so, you've had a kernel panic but the IP stack is still alive. If
not, then you've almost certainly had some kind of OOPS that killed all
There was a "Neat Hack" noticed a couple of years ago where someone
discovered if you shutdown a Linux box, everything stops running, but
until the power goes out, the IP stack including netfilter is still
sitting there doing it's thing. So you can make a seriously hardened
firewall by loading all your IPtables rules, then halting the system,
which leaves the system in the state of being an IP stack with firewall
rules and nothing else.
So it's possible to have a "dead" system that still handles IP traffic.
You might also just try running "cerebus" from off of sourceforge. It's
a pretty intense system burnin tool. See if it comes up with any
errors. Weird permissions changing and lockups like that sound more
like hardware to me than anything else.
> As for CRON jobs...okay. I'll check that. :-) But for programs running setuid
> root...how do I tell if they are? Where would I look?
'man find' :)
-- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "We all enter this world in the | Support Electronic Freedom same way: naked; screaming; soaked | http://www.eff.org/ in blood. But if you live your | http://www.anti-dmca.org/ life right, that kind of thing |--------------------------- doesn't have to stop there." -- Dana Gould
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