> The ping is a internal loopback simulating an connection and
> verifying that is both sending and recieving 4 packets of information to
> make sure that
> is indeed working.
Yes, this will confirm that the tcp stack in your machine loaded and is
working properly and that it is 'talking' to the NIC. A ping to the loopback
address does not actually send any traffic out onto the cable.
In some OS's you can ping 127.x.y.z where x,y,z are any value < 255 and
it works; others, not, and you have to use the 0.0.1 sequence.
> >
. Part of the troubleshooting
> > relating to this included me going to my Mac OS TCP/IP control panel,
> > looking at the IP info that it presents: IP, Subnet, router. Since mine
> isn't
> > working, I get an IP of 169.254.x.x. The subnet is, and no
> > router. They tell me that this is an indication that my ethernet card is
> > messed up.
No it isn't necessarily so. The 169.254.x.y is the "link-local" address that
a M$
OS assigns as the default IP when the DHCP request failed. The DHCP can fail
for reasons other than a bad (or badly-configured) NIC. Generally failure to
reach the DHCP server, failure to hear the DHCP offer sent back, or absence
a working DHCP server are possibilities. These can be network problems
of your local machine. Yes, a bad NIC is also possible. Sometimes they will
xmit but go deaf.
You mentioned Mac OS so I assume it works in the same manner by assigning
a link-local address. I have just seen this only on MS products myself.
--good disclaimer from NKS, by the way...
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