Re: {SPAM?} Re: [SLUG] TwinView 3D Problem

From: Andrew M. Hoerter (amh@POBOX.COM)
Date: Tue Feb 17 2004 - 12:36:56 EST

On Tue, 17 Feb 2004, Steve wrote:

> In my observation Linux is missing some of the things that is driven by
> money or need for income. Like th Solaris install/remove solution. The
> features which are needed to ensure (commercial) customer participation
> has never been a big need under Linux and thus has not received
> much/enough attention to cater to the same customers.

Yup, you hit it exactly. There are many things that go into high quality
software which simply aren't fun to work on, so in an open source context
they either go undone or are done poorly most of the time (bug tracking
and documentation are two that stick out in my mind).

Fortunately companies like RedHat, SuSE, etc. are out there funding
development in several of those areas. Which is more or less one of the
potential "profit centers" that RMS originally predicted in the GPL
Manifesto, oddly enough.

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