RE: [SLUG] Error enabling swap device

Date: Tue Feb 24 2004 - 23:16:38 EST

I tried that, I used the rescue selection on the CD
as there is nothing but partitions on the computer.

But I get the same thing. I have tried to set the
machine up using both GUI and text mode and still
get a failure at the point just after it ask me to
select the packages to install and then starts to
do the install, at that point it complains about
the swap file.

There is also another message that says that the
following after giving the Error enabling...

"This most likely is means this swap partition
has not been initialized.

Then it gives you a button to hit to reboot...

If you look at the HD you see the partitions there
but nothing else.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kwan Lowe []
Sent: Tuesday, 24 February, 2004 22:14
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Error enabling swap device

> I get the following error
> Error enabling swap device hda3: Invalid argument
> when I try to install RH 9 on a HP 7100 laptop. I
> used to have RH 8 on it, but never used it. I got
> RH 9 and decided to put it on there. I did not
> check the HD or anything else I just fired it up
> and starting putting 9 on.

Try doing:

Verify that /dev/hda3 is indeed a swap partition:
  fdisk -l /dev/hda

You should see a line similar to this:
/dev/hda5 13 152 1124518+ 82 Linux swap

If this is correct, create the swap space:

  mkswap /dev/hda3

Verify that your /etc/fstab has the correct options for the swap space:
/dev/hda3 swap swap defaults 0 0

Then try turning on swap again:

  swapon -a

> I have a idea of what it is saying but not sure
> what I need to do to fix it. I put win 98 on the
> disk and had no problems so attempted to put Linux
> back on but to no avail.
> Where do I poke first.
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