> Since the software that allows it to run Windows applications isn't freely licensed, they really can't offer Xandros OS for free with that functionality. Otherwise, they'd be out of business in a week flat.
> I agree that dumbing down the interface isn't the way to go, though. It's a shame that every distro that does a really exemplary job of smoothing out the heinous tangle that installing Linux can occasionally be also is built with the philosophy that their users should be prevented from personalizing their distribution at all. What is needed is a smooth, easy interface for an installation with the gnarled back end covered over without also covering over the options for installation that an end-user will want to have some control over. At one end of the extreme, you've got distributions that don't even do a credible job of resolving package dependencies so that the user has to know beforehand what all the dependencies are to make sure none are missed, and at the other end you've got "four-click installation" that leaves you with an OS little different from a discount Windows in security and functionality. Rarely, if ever, does anyone provide something that covers over the
> warts without also gutting Linux of its power.
> That's really the biggest hurdle in the race to make Linux a contender in the desktop market: the distros that make things easy for new users also don't offer enough new functionality to make it worth the bother of switching OSes. It takes a dedicated computer geek to get to a point where you can really appreciate everything Linux has to offer, generally.
I would like to give an example of what I feel is the so commonly over
looked. I have installed the following Lindows aka Linspire 4.5
Xandros 2.0 - full not this new release Lycoris aka Redmond Linux.
all of them with there regular installs take about 2-3 gigs of space.
You says to your self that is not so bad..... But there is a catch
there is next to no software installed AHHHHHH. In steps (Slackware
or Debian *Yes I will give deb its props) on Slackware a full
complete install everythign install takes up 2.2 gigs of space and is
loaded with software and developement tools for compiling programs if
you so need it. Debian I dida standard install came around 2 gigs have
everything i needed but did end up apt-geting a few things. Any way
first thing i hear is that Slackware does not have dependecy
checking.... Oh just slap on Slapt-get and be on your way to dependecy
checking bliss. Slackware does not detech my hardware.....
2.4.whatever extra number kernel does an fine and excellence job of
finding all the hardware. Seting up X is not that hard and for most of
you who want 3d acelleration you have to play with the Xconfig to set
it up for the Nvidia drivers anyway. My Printer.... Use KDE utility
and be done with it.
Micheal what ever the heck is name is the one that annoys me with
those annoying I pisted off microsoft and they punch me in the face so
I am going to bo who who all the to the internet and tell everyone
over and over and over again. He talks about how great it is for
Lindows to install in about 10 minutes ..... Slackware 15 minutes at
most 20 minutes hardware configured and ready to go. Cut and Dry. and
unlike Lindows it will have software and varitey that I need. I think
microsoft has turn a generation into a bunch of lazy want the computer
to do everything for them generation. When I was a kid I had a Tandy
Trash 80 model II and then later on a 286 where I had to learn dos the
hard way and since back then Windows was something fancy that did not
run on the 286 ( I mean win 3.0 and higher) I never used windows till
I jumped from 286 to my 486. But because I had such a long history
with dos when I found out and got curious about linux I found a easy
time at it becausse alot that I already knew from dos carried over to
Linux. Maybe its me being a 21 year old fuddle duddy but Over GUIed
installers and Dumb down interfaces make me sick.
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