[1] I *really* like the idea of moving off-topic discussions to an off-topic list.
I am to the point where I simply delete most of the incoming SLUG messages
with only a glance. If there is any serious content in the last 2-10 days
I've surely missed it.
[2] Renaming the slug-politics to slug-off-topic would be a good solution. Or
just create a new one with a cute name such as "slug-bit-bucket" specifically
for off-topic lists.
[Suggestion] -
put the link to the mailing list web page
at the bottom of each message, or at least in the header
(list-moreinfo: I was signed up when
I passed a business card and verbally asked to be added. I never knew about
the website until I paid closer attention to the messages.
You might put this in as a footer:
For list and companion list information, visit
This list is provided as an unmoderated Internet service by Networked
Knowledge Systems (NKS). Views and opinions expressed in messages
posted are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the
official policy or position of NKS or any of its employees.
I really like your description of the set of three mailing lists
(4 if you count the digest)!!
[REQUEST] I would like to steal some ideas from your
page to help explain the mailing lists that I support.
I, too, use the 3-tier list idea: -BulletinBoard, -Chat, and -OffTopicChat.
I found that the user community really appreciates, and self-moderates
the off-topic list. I no longer have to "censor" anyone; I just tell them
to move it to what we call "the HotTub." As much as I encourage
participation in the off-topic list, only about 1/3rd of my regular members
belong to both! But those that belong to the Hottub use it with enthusiasm.
-- Rick
Was Re: [SLUG] {SPAM?} Humor and offtopic list.
At 10:18 PM 6/1/04 -0400, Paul M Foster answered:
>On Tue, Jun 01, 2004 when Robert Snyder wrote:
>> Now I know that we have limited bandwith blah blah blah... and then Paul
>> has to remind up what the bandwith should be going for in order.
>> Anyway. is there way to say have an offical offtopic list hosted say by
>> me. I do pay for a hosting service and mailing list is one of the
>> things I can have. I use so little bandwith out of my site that it might
>> as well go to something useful and help out the list.
>BTW, that notice you got about the list rules fires off automatically on
>the first of the month. It was not intended to make any particular point
>at this time. And I wouldn't particularly worry about our bandwidth. I
>don't think we're up to that magical "50 emails a day" number yet. ;-}
>We _do_ have the SLUG Politics list. It's called "politics" but it's
>really for anything that doesn't fit on the main list (like flames).
>Maybe we should call it the "Offtopic" list. See
> .
>I crafted the main SLUG list rules to allow for certain amounts of humor
>and the like (of which we seem to have had a lot lately ;-). Mainly, we
>don't want selling or flames, nor things which might lead to flaming
>(like politics, religion, etc.). Anything that falls outside the SLUG
>list rules is fodder for the politics list. You could even have tech
>discussions there if you really wanted to. Mainly the SLUG list rules
>were designed to make a compromise between the "it's got to be a pure
>tech list!" people and the rest of the community, who tend to talk Linux
>news, advocacy, humor and other not-strictly-tech subjects. You could
>even discuss Windows stuff on the list, though I don't recommend it,
>considering what the reaction usually is.
>_______________________[ End ]_______________________
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Knowledge Systems (NKS). Views and opinions expressed in messages
posted are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the
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