Thanks. I have the O'Reilly Running Linux. I noticed that Amazon lists a
Linux Bible for Suse 9.1, but it hasn't been released.
At 12:44 AM 8/2/04, you wrote:
>Donald E Haselwood wrote:
>>Any recommendations for books for Suse 9.1?
>>I've done a little with RH8 and I've found the Red Hat Linux 8 Bible just
>>about right for my level. So far it looks like Suse does some things a
>>little differently, so a "guide" would be handy.
>I've got a copy of _SuSE_Linux_Installation_&_Configuration_Handbook_ by
>Nazeeh Amin El-Dirghami and Youssef A. Abu Kwaik. It's published by
>Que. It is actually aimed at SuSE cira version 6.3, and there's a lot of
>focus on earlier versions of YaST than are currently packaged with
>SuSE. There's a bit of very useful information in it that is particular
>to SuSE, but it's not perfect. Pretty much the only way you'll get
>professional hardcopy-published SuSE documentation for 9.x is by getting
>it with the CDs, I'm afraid. I've seen a SuSE-specific book that pertains
>to 8.1, I think. 8.something, at any rate. O'Reilly's _Running_Linux_,
>Osborne's _Linux_Administration:_A_Beginner's_Guide_, and Osborne's
>_The_Complete_Reference:_Linux_ all have some distro-specific information
>about SuSE (as well as a couple others -- including Red Hat and at least
>one more in each case).
>Chad Perrin (apotheon .com .net .org)
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